Finally get a grip on your personal finances with this expert help

Knowing how to manage your money can make life so much easier. Can you imagine looking at your bank account and not wanting to cry in a corner? Well, getting good with money doesn’t have to be a pipe dream. You’re not a lost cause; you have the ability to manage your mortgage/rent, car payments, student loans, and credit card debt. You just need a little help from the Personal Finance Collection.

Led by New York Times bestselling authors and financial experts, this collection features four invaluable courses aimed at helping you get a handle on your money, eliminate debt, achieve your financial goals, and reach financial security.

Here’s a peek at what you’ll learn:

Start Late, Finish Rich

Led by nine-time NYT best-selling author David Bach, this course will show you how to work toward a financially secure future by following his proven plan. And considering he’s known as America’s most popular financial expert, you’ll want to listen up. In just 5.5 hours, you’ll unlock the secrets to fiscal responsibility and learn specific steps you can take to kick debt to the curb, build your savings with just $5 a day, and earn more money, faster.

Manage Your Money for Maximum Profit

In this course, Mike Michalowicz – the entrepreneur behind three multimillion-dollar companies and author of The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur – teaches you how to stop living paycheck to paycheck. Through 23 lessons, spanning 10 hours of content, he’ll explain the four core principles of financial health, the psychology behind managing your debt, and straightforward techniques to bring more money into your business. By the end of all 23 lessons, you’ll know exactly how to dive into behavior-driven money management and stick with better habits.

Personal Finance for Artists & Freelancers

Contrary to popular belief, freelancing is sustainable in the long term. It just requires a bit more planning on your part than those who work a nine-to-five. This course, led by financial expert and Fordham University MBA holder Galia Gichon, introduces you to a seven-step process for streamlining and boiling your financial planning down to just 30 minutes per week. That way, you can still have time to knock out the work you love, but you’ll have a bit more financial security in the future.

How to Make Money

And finally, this 17-hour course taught by Ramit Sethi – author of NYT best-seller I Will Teach You To Be Rich – will show you techniques you can use to properly spend, save, and invest your money. From turning your passions into a profitable side gig to negotiating a better salary, this course doesn’t just dive into personal finance basics but also looks at the psychology of money.

Typically, this collection of courses costs $406, but right now you can take 85% off and pick up the whole bundle for $59. You’ll save some money while you learn to save some money. It’s a win-win.

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