This Huge 23-Foot Moon Replica Is Currently Touring the World

Until March 31, 2019 Luke Jerram’s “Museum of the Moon” tour will be travelling the world, presented at art exhibitions, science, music and light festivals.

The helium-filled sphere is lit from the inside, and features high-resolution 120dpi images courtesy of NASA’s Astrogeology Science Center. Each centimetre of the replica is equivalent to 5 KM of the moon’s actual surface, at a scale of approximately 1:500,000. As part of the tour, original audio compositions will be created and performed by a variety of well-known composers and musicians.

Head over to the official “Museum of the Moon” website to find out when the installation comes to a city near you.

According to his website, “Luke Jerram’s multidisciplinary arts practice involves the creation of sculptures, installations and live artworks. Living in the UK, but working internationally, Jerram creates art projects which excite and inspire people around the world.”

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