Superhero Fit Workout of the Day: Hip Thrust

If you want to fill out your pants, you’re going to need a solid, strong backside.

The best way to grow your posterior is to hit the glutes and hamstrings, which are some of the largest muscles in the body. Heavy back squats and deadlifts can be great ways to make those glute gains — but there’s another exercise you should try if you really want a serious booty: The hip thrust. If you follow any #fitfluencers on social media, you’ve definitely seen this move.

Don Saladino, superhero trainer to Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, and Sebastian Stan told that one of the biggest reasons the hip thrust is so popular is its ability to work the moneymaker-muscles without putting a heavy load on the back and spine.

“The move targets glutes and hamstrings without having a barbell on your back,” said Saladino. “It’s great for people who have problems loading a barbell or holding heavy weight, for either having a injured arm or shoulder.”

You’ll still need a barbell to perform the move. Find a stable bench or platform you can lean against and sit on the floor, bringing the bar over your legs to rest on your hips, holding it in place with both hands on either side of your hips. You’ll probably also want some type of cushion to put on the bar or over your waist, like a barbell pad or a rolled up mat if you’re in a pinch. Start with just the bar’s weight to get accustomed to the form, then add plates accordingly.

Lean the top of your back against the bench, creating a 45-degree angle between yourself and the support. Squeeze your glutes and core and raise your hips to lift the load until your back is straight and your knees form a 90-degree angle.

“Finish this lift by squeezing your glutes at the top,” advised Saladino. “Do not extend lumbar spine.”

To complete the move, lower your hips and control the weight back down to the floor. Start off with 3 sets of 8 reps — for an extra challenge once you master the form, pause and hold the last rep of each set for a five-count to really work your backside.

If you need any more reason to add the hip thrust to your leg day, just check out a real-life superhero, The Rock, repping them out for his own glute gains.

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