The Dow Jones Industrial Average was trading near session lows Thursday afternoon, as technology stocks took a leg lower and the market’s best performer, energy, cut its sharp, early gains.
The Dow DJIA, -0.22% most recently, was down 116 points, or 0.5%, at 24,652, while the S&P 500 index SPX, -0.09% was down 0.4% at 2,712, pressured lower by a 1% decline in the technology sector XLK, -0.52% more than offsetting a 0.8% gain for the energy sector XLE, +1.51% The technology-laden Nasdaq Composite Index COMP, -0.21% retreated by 0.6% at 7,352. The afternoon drop for the broader market came as crude-oil prices CLM8, +0.13% edged lower, weighing on values for energy and oil-related companies, including Exxon Mobil Corp. XOM, -0.17% and Chevron Corp. CVX, +0.79%