Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal has until Tuesday to decide whether to approve a dubious bill that would make it illegal to access a computer or network “without authority,” Wired reported, in what looks an awful lot like legislators trying to make something they don’t understand a crime. Here’s the backstory: The state...
THIS TIME OF year, warmer temperatures mean we start feeling our extremities again. Tech companies know we're starting to venture out in the beautiful weather more as summer approaches, and they're hoping we'll buy some new gear to take with us. Apple is one of them. From now until May...
Only a few decades ago, finding a particular channel on the radio or television meant dialing a knob by hand and then making small adjustments to hone in on the right signal. That's no longer the case, thanks to something called a radio-frequency synthesizer, which generates accurate signal frequencies. While...
Scientists have found an exoplanet with an abundance of helium, the first time helium has been spotted on an exoplanet. Researchers have used the Hubble Space Telescope to discover an abundance in helium in WASP-107b, a major discovery that would mark the first discovery of the gas outside of our...
Last month, news broke of a new GeForce Partner Program, put in place by Nvidia to corner the market on high-end GPUs by requiring GPU manufacturers to “align” their brands with Nvidia if they wanted to receive GPU allocations or be considered for various marketing funds. GPUs manufactured by...
In its global efforts to attract artificial intelligence researchers, the world's largest social network is opening new labs near The University of Washington and Carnegie Mellon. Facebook wants to flex its artificial intelligence muscle even more, and it's looking to university towns to help. The social networking giant is opening two...
The nation's aging infrastructure requires massive investment. The American Society of Civil Engineers estimates the U.S. needs to spend some $4.5 trillion by 2025 to fix the country's roads, bridges, dams and other infrastructure. Imagine if engineers could build structures with materials that do not degrade over time. Researchers at...
The precision of measuring nanoscopic structures could be substantially improved, thanks to research involving the University of Warwick and QuantIC researchers at the University of Glasgow and Heriot Watt University into optical sensing. QuantIC is the UK Quantum Technology Hub in Quantum Enhanced Imaging and part of the UK National...
There is no question whatsoever that the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ are among the best smartphones you can buy right now. The problem, it would seem, is that not enough people are buying them. Samsung has undoubtedly already sold millions of Galaxy S9 phones at this point, but...
Over a year ago, Google publicly announced that its official Google Now Launcher for Android would eventually be retired, and it appears that the fateful day has finally arrived — the once-popular launcher, notable for being the search giant's first public launcher released on the Google Play Store, seems...
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