As Spring Break quickly approaches Northwest Arkansas students, we took a look at the best places, traveling tips and how to save money to make the week the best you can. According to Trip Savvy, the top five Spring Break destinations or trips are: Orlando, Washington D.C., a family cruise,...
Everyone likes to look and feel like a princess, but hey, who has the money for that right? Well, here are some tips for the broke girl to look fab 1. Find your style The foundation to look expensive is to find your style! Take a cue from Audrey Hepburn, Kate...
A bout of bad weather can be quite a shock to the system - but so too is the inflated energy bill that comes a few weeks later. But no matter how the weather is now, it’s never a bad time to make your home more energy efficient. Done right...
No one wants to sit down once every week and track their spending. However, this is an essential practice to live a good quality, stress-free life. People who build and track their budget spend just right and save more for the future. Most single women, unfortunately, do not consider...
In our financial  lives, one of the most basic planning tools is the trusty emergency fund—that cash sitting in the bank that helps you feel safe and secure each night. You know, that money you’ve been setting aside “just in case.” You do have that fund, don’t you? Well, if...
Life is full of ‘what if?’ situations, so the best thing to do is to prepare for those situations! Nobody likes being caught unaware, panicking during a financial emergency with no back up plan to lift themselves out of debt. Well, that’s what an emergency fund is for, but...
For those just starting their careers or beginning to save for their future retirements, the financial planning world can be quite daunting. One flaw of our education system is the lack of preparedness it provides for younger investors just starting off. When it comes to stocks, bonds, 401(K)s, debts, the...
Are you making the most of your 401(k)? Better check. In recent years, companies have been making improvements to their workplace retirement plans, according to a new survey by global advisory firm Willis Towers Watson. Among other changes, many companies have boosted employer contributions, added Roth 401(k) options, and made...
Saving money, improving your financial life, and building wealth.  These are the goals of “America Saves Week.” This morning we want to highlight 5 goals to help you reach your savings goals.  1. Save Automatically Save automatically through a monthly transfer from checking to savings, ideally soon after you are paid. What...
  One question you should ask once you start making money no matter how little should be about savings. Savings is so important to your life but many of us seem to ignore it perhaps because we don’t know how far savings can go to save us from unforeseen issues. Your saving...
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