It’s always good to pay off your credit card debt, but now may be a better time than ever to do so. Americans’ debt levels have been growing and interest rates are rising — a combination that could put consumers in a bind if they carry a balance on their...
South Africans, with their poor savings record, should look to tax-efficient savings vehicles to make the turnaround to grow their wealth. The national average savings rate is a dismal 3%, while the household debt-to-income ratio is a staggering 74.4%. Barrie van Zyl, a senior manager at Alexander Forbes, says consumers...
One of the biggest (and probably one of the most important) New Year’s resolutions parents make is to start saving more money. That’s because, cute as they are, kids can be a serious drain on our wallets. When you’re busy buying up diapers and baby food, you often end...
One way to combat the winter doldrums is to start planning a spring break vacation. It provides a destination and adventure to look forward to as we make our way through these final long weeks of winter. With the countdown to spring started, here are five tips to assist with...
Summer vacation is a lot like Christmas: It comes around every year and yet somehow, you’re not financially prepared. So, what do you do? Just like the holidays, you charge, charge, charge. Shake the cycle. Today, start saving for a debt-free vacation. Save on autopilot: “Contact your human resources or payroll department...
Learning to budget isn’t easy — but it’s essential if you want to successfully adjust from college student to full-time employee. In school, you may have had to budget loan payments and spending for your meals, but once you make it to “the real world,” there’s a whole set...
Many people obsess over reaching a certain retirement savings number -- $1 million is the most common target. However, the reality is that retiring comfortably isn't necessarily about how much money you have in savings; it's about how much sustainable income you have from savings, Social Security, and other...
Financial expert Martin Lewis is renowned for sharing on TV his top money saving tips. From eBay selling to making money without leaving the house, from passport mistakes and when to haggle for deals, he is the king of the savvy and can save you hundreds of pounds through minimal...
Is there a first edition Harry Potter hidden away in your bookshelf – or a £7,000 copy of the Beano in the cupboard? Before you go chucking that battered old Millennium Falcon toy out or taking old records to the charity shop, ask yourself a question. Could they be worth a...
Here is our guide to cutting the cost of insuring your motor Lot’s of people hate the fact that they have to pay for insurance when they buy a car. But despite most of us never having to use it, it’s good to be safe in the knowledge that, should something...
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