Travelling for work has its pros and cons: you get to visit a new destination with all your expenses covered, but you’re taken away from your family. Look for the silver lining though – with your own expenses covered, you could use the opportunity to convert your business trip into a family holiday. AVANI Hotels...
Rachel Langlois, from Cyprus Credit Union, shares her tips for getting kids to start saving money at an early age. Living Your Best Financial Life – Kid Once a kid hits those elementary school years, it`s time for them to start discovering the importance of earning and saving money. Here are...
Let’s be real, most of us struggle with saving money. Why save for later when we need or want it now? Well, there’s a lot you should know when thinking about your financial future. If you work, most companies offer some sort of retirement benefit plan. Most likely, you are given...
We have more control than ever over how and when we can spend our pensions, but careful financial planning is necessary if you want to avoid the risk of outliving your retirement savings. Pension freedoms introduced in 2015 mean that you can take up to 100% of your defined contribution...
We can’t all be millionaires by 30 (like this guy), but we can certainly use some of their financial advice. In the finance field, there will always be opposing opinions on the best ways to manage your money. But why not take tips from people who are successful at...
Cooking dinner for your family can be a thankless task. First, you need to make sure it’s delicious (or at least edible) and then, if you’re like most parents, you want it to be fast and super easy. If you also have a tight budget, the challenge is three-fold. Delicious,...
U.S. -Is your bank account feeling the freeze this winter from sky-rocketing power bills? If so, you're not alone. Here are a few energy-saving tips to keep money from slipping out the door: Reverse your ceiling fan: energy experts say spinning the fan in the opposite direction can force the...
Starting up a business is hard work. Succeeding as a student in college is also hard work. Doing them both together is even harder, but it can be done. Just ask Mark Zuckerberg. Starting up a business while still a student is challenging, but it’s also exciting. And, if you...
Lincoln police said they've seen 44 forged money cases already in 2018. "Counterfeit bills are a problem here in Lincoln," said Lincoln Police Investigator Brad Hulse. Whether it's a $20 or $100, investigator Brad Hulse said they're seeing a lot of fakes in most denominations. And, people can be vulnerable to...
Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to surprise your loved one with a nice piece of jewelry. According to Statistic Brain, 17.3 percent of all gifts given on Valentine’s Day every year are jewelry. Jewelry stores make almost $2.2 billion dollars off this day alone. Picking out the perfect piece...
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