TAX SEASON IS AROUND the corner, and if you want to reduce how much you pay the government, you need to understand which tax credits you can claim. “With certain credits, some people will actually get rebates on their...
Saving for retirement can’t be done at the last minute; it takes decades of consistent effort to save hundreds of thousands of dollars. When you start early, you still have compound interest on your side. But the longer you wait to begin...
If you want to risk starting some arguments around the dinner table this holiday season, be sure to bring up religion and politics. No, wait — make that sex and personal finance. Sex and personal finance/money...
Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung have been traveling around the world since they retired in 2015. The millennial couple, from Toronto, initially wanted to take just one year to travel, but it’s been four years and they haven’t stopped...
Saving for retirement is crucial. Without independent savings, you risk struggling financially during your golden years. And when you think about the expenses you’ll face when you’re older, it’s easy to see why. Even if you manage to pay...
Pennsylvania will require public schools to allow students to apply personal finance class credits toward high school graduation requirements. Gov. Tom Wolf signed the bill this week and it will take effect in the 2020-21 school year.
Mistakes are part of life, and sometimes you can’t avoid them. Especially when it comes to complex financial topics like planning for retirement, nobody has all the right answers. But not all mistakes are created equal; some are more...
Social Security’s importance to the pocketbook of the average American retiree can’t be overstated. More than 60% of all retired workers lean on their Social Security payouts to account for at least half of their monthly income, and an estimated 15 million-plus...
It seems only natural that with people living longer and expenses rising, the average retirement age would increase. For decades, 62 and 65 were the popular ages to leave the workforce, but now many have a more-distant finish line in mind, and...
There comes a point when socking away more money in the bank doesn’t make sense. We all need money on hand for unforeseen expenses — things like automobile malfunctions, home repairs, or unexpected medical bills. In fact, your primary...
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