At the end of the month, when your budget is getting thinner, you may start to wonder where exactly all of your money went, especially if you didn’t have any splurges or out of the ordinary purchases. The USDA reports that even food alone...
Today, Google Pay for both Android and iOS is relaunching with a giant array of new features. It turns the app from something that most people think of as a tap-to-pay card repository or peer-to-peer payment system into a much more ambitious service....
With jobs to hold down, children to care for, friendships to maintain, food to be bought and cooked, dishes to be washed and laundry to be done, it can be a challenge to keep up with all the details of your personal...
For anyone who has had a few years to save for retirement but is still decades from leaving work, you're probably starting to ask yourself some questions about how you're saving and if you're doing it right.  Saving for...
The purpose of socking money away in a 401(k) or IRA is to help ensure that you have enough money to pay the bills during retirement. But many seniors are unaware that by tapping their retirement plans, they could end up subjecting themselves to...
In October 2020, the unemployment rate fell to 6.9%, declining a percentage point from the previous month, and the number of unemployed persons dropped by 1.5 million to 11.1 million, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. While these numbers are an...
If there were a magic savings number that guaranteed financial security throughout retirement, saving for that milestone would be a lot easier. But that magic number can't exist because everyone is different. You may want to spend your retirement traveling the globe...
The good news is that surging markets have boosted investor portfolios this year. Now for the bad news: Some of those people will be owing the taxman. That’s because mutual funds distribute capital gains to their...
There is an old saying: “The more you give your children, the more you take away.” Today’s story began with an email from a hard-charging, financially very successful, real estate broker named “Steve” and his wife, “Cindy,” a stay-at-home...
Whether your next big financial goal is to build emergency funds, come up with a down payment, or save up for a big purchase, odds are you have a savings account. With a traditional savings account, you may be leaving money on...
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