American News Group

Dave Ramsey says there’s 1 indulgent purchase in particular that keeps Americans living paycheck to paycheck

Most Americans are “broke” — at least, according to personal finance celebrity Dave Ramsey.

During an episode of The Ramsey Show, he told Lauren from Spokane, Washington, why he uses the word “broke” so often — and why he thinks most people fall under that category.

Ramsey speaks from a place of experience and has openly talked about his past financial struggles.

“After I crashed, I kind of had to go through a CSI autopsy,” he said, making a reference to the crime investigation TV show.

But is Ramsey right — are most Americans broke?

During the episode, Ramsey said his definition of “broke” is a person who spends more than they can afford in order to keep up appearances. “A lot of talk, [but] no money.”

“You’re trying to ‘put on the dog,’ as we say in Tennessee,” he added. “You’re trying to look like something you’re not… in Texas they say, ‘big hat, no cattle.’”

Ramsey Show co-host Jade Warshaw agreed and said her definition of “broke” is someone who is financially irresponsible and whose lifestyle doesn’t match their income.

In addition, both Warshaw and Ramsey said they would consider someone living paycheck to paycheck as “broke” regardless of their income.

Based on this metric, nearly two-thirds of Americans would be considered broke. According to CNBC and SurveyMonkey’s financial security survey, 65% of adults across the country said they were living paycheck to paycheck as of 2024.

The rising cost of living and lackluster wage growth in recent years could be part of the reason why so many Americans are struggling to make ends meet.

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