Visa and M2P Fintech Make it Easier to Issue Payment Products to ‘Resolve Fintech’s Pain Points’
Global digital payments leader Visa has joined forces with M2P Fintech, Asia’s largest API infrastructure company, to help fintechs and non-banking entities issue payment products seamlessly through the ‘Visa Ready to Launch’ (VRTL) programme.
Traditionally, launching new card programmes can be a difficult task for fintechs and non-banking entities. A wide range of technological, operational, and commercial challenges often arise due to the fragmented card enablement landscape. The VRTL programme looks to address these challenges.
Additionally, partnerships with numerous players in the ecosystem, including licensed financial institutions for Bank Identification Number (BIN) sponsorship, issuer processors, Know Your Customer (KYC), and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) partners, are imperative for successful multi-market penetration.
M2P Fintech specialises in building financial infrastructure through a wide range of accessible solutions. By acting as a tech layer between banks, fintechs and financial institutions, it delivers cutting-edge APIs that work to embed financial technology in core business offerings.
By providing end-to-end card issuance capability through product bundling and programme management, combined with a secure and scalable technology integration platform via API and SDK, Visa Ready to Launch streamlines the entire process.