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Google Display Ads and Dynamic Search Ads upgrades rolled out in PMax

Google is rolling out two new upgrades to Performance Max.

Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) and Google Display Ads (GDA) campaign upgrades are now available to all advertisers. Opting in is voluntary.

If you decide to upgrade, you can do so via a self-serve tool that will appear in their accounts.

A new, separate PMax campaign will be created for each upgraded campaign, using a combination of settings and learnings from existing campaigns to maintain consistent performance, Google said.

Why we care. The DSA and GDA upgrades give advertisers the tools they need to shift single-channel campaigns to a unified campaign strategy in PMax. This should in turn help improve ROI and give marketers the ability to fully optimize performance across channels.

What’s new. Advertisers who decide to opt into the upgrades will have access to a range of tools and capabilities aimed at improving campaign performance and user experience. This includes:

What Google has said. Google announced the PMax upgrades via a statement on its blog. A spokesperson said:

The reaction. Menachem Ani, founder and CEO of boutique digital marketing agency JAXT Group, told Search Engine Land that although these upgrades are voluntary now, it’s unlikely this is permanent. He said:

By the numbers. Advertisers who upgrade DSA campaigns to PMax see an average increase of more than 15% in conversions and conversion value at a similar CPA/ROAS, Google said.

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