American News Group

How to stop police from asking for videos from your Amazon Ring doorbell

You can now stop police departments from sending notifications asking for video from your Amazon Ring doorbell.

There’s been controversy over Ring’s decision to work closely with police departments to help investigate crimes. Some customers like that they’re able to share videos from their doorbells with police departments in an effort to help catch criminals. Others see it as the creation of a surveillance state.

In a recent update to the Ring app, Amazon now lets customers opt out of receiving notifications from police departments who might be seeking Ring doorbell video footage to help solve a crime that happened near your home.

You might want to turn this off if you’re among a group of people who don’t think police should have access to video camera feeds. But even if the feature is turned on, you still need to confirm that you’re willing to share video with a police department before they can review footage from your camera, unless you post it publicly in the Ring Neighbors app.

Here’s how to turn it off:

That’s it. Now you won’t receive notifications if a police department is seeking video from Ring doorbells in your area to help solve a crime. But if you post videos publicly, police will still be able to see the videos.

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