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MARCH IS THE perfect time to start your spring cleaning. Along with throwing open the windows, vacuuming the floors, and replacing your grody furniture, you might also want to think about updating your home’s ancient networking hardware. With so many smart devices proliferating on the market, it’s more important than ever to keep your home Wi-Fi secure and your connection reliable. With our pals at TechBargains, we’ve pulled together some of the best spring cleaning deals from around the web.

The Best Price on the Luma Home Mesh Router

One of the more ambitious mesh systems is the Luma, which offers parental controls, a fun app, and easy management tools in addition to greater range and heightened security. If your router is a decade old, and you’ve accumulated a half-dozen smart devices in the past five years, now is a great time to upgrade. Buy the Luma Home Mesh Router for $140, $60 off the original list price of $200

Great Spring Cleaning Deals

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